The recipe I am going to share with you today, however, contains a flavor I did not include in the poll: berries. The recipe is called FIELD BERRY PARCELS. I got it from the website, with the intention of participating in the July cooking club challenge. July was just a tad bit too busy for me to make it, though. But I just couldn't let this one go, so I made it for my sister and brother in-law when they visited last Saturday.
Here is a link to the recipe:
Here are my changes & tips:
- I didn't buy blackberries, so I used twice the amount of strawberries.
- I used 10% cream for the pistashio sauce instead of 18%. It worked well!
- I didn't put all of the berry sauce back in to the berries. I put only about 2-3 tablespoons because from eveyone else's comments and picutres and from what I saw from my own experience the berries were juicy enough. I used the rest for garnish.
My only critique on this recipe is the parcel package itself. When you twist the phyllo to make the parcel "knot," the knot ends up tasting like a clump of tasteless dough.

- I cut up an apple into 1/4 inch cubes and added it to the berry mix along with a tablespoon of sauce.
- I followed the phyllo instructions up until just before making the actual "parcel."
- I made an envelope out of the phyllo: I put two heaping tablespoons of the berry-apple mixture in the middle of phyllo. I folded the left and right phyllo edges over it, and then folded the upper and bottom pieces onto it.
- I then brushed some leftover melt butter mixture on top, and dipped it into a plate of crushed pistachio.
It turned out beautifully, and tasted great!
I haven't decided what I am going to make next, but I have a feeling that the trend in the poll responses will have a big influence on my decision. Wink!