Saturday, November 15, 2008
Getting ready for Christmas
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Almost 30

Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Perfect September Peach Delight!
Alright, I know I said the next recipe I'd post would involve something along the lines of what most of you said you love on an all-time basis..and its still looking like its chocolate. But I had a huge peach in the fridge that just had to be used up somehow. It was quite ripe, and I didn't feel like eating it as is. I also just made a huge batch of yogurt that I wanted to use up. So I created a recipe involving both peach and yogurt. Was it EVER delish! Hubby loved it too! Between the both of us, we finished more than half of it that night. We would have finished it off then, but we wanted to go to bed with some dignity left, so we kept the rest for the next day.
1 large fresh peach, or two smaller ones, sliced ½ inch thick.
1 & ½ cups all-purpose flour
¾ cup white sugar
½ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
1/3 cup yogurt
3 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ cup brown sugar
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 C).
- Combine 1 ½ cups flour, ¾ cup sugar, salt and baking powder. Add oil, egg and yogurt. Mix this with flour mixture.
- Meanwhile, melt the 3 tablespoons of butter and brown sugar together under low-med heat until it is bubbly, sprinkle in the cinnamon. Once it is bubbly and fragrant, pour it in a 9-inch round baking pan, and spread in pan to cover. Place peach slices over it, to cover pan. Pour batter on top of that.
- Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until done. Cool for about 10 minutes, and then turn over on to dish.
This dessert is perfect after a heavy dinner, or with breakfast. It is light, fruity, and tastes fantastic with coffee or tea.
Monday, August 18, 2008
More Berries
The recipe I am going to share with you today, however, contains a flavor I did not include in the poll: berries. The recipe is called FIELD BERRY PARCELS. I got it from the website, with the intention of participating in the July cooking club challenge. July was just a tad bit too busy for me to make it, though. But I just couldn't let this one go, so I made it for my sister and brother in-law when they visited last Saturday.
Here is a link to the recipe:
Here are my changes & tips:
- I didn't buy blackberries, so I used twice the amount of strawberries.
- I used 10% cream for the pistashio sauce instead of 18%. It worked well!
- I didn't put all of the berry sauce back in to the berries. I put only about 2-3 tablespoons because from eveyone else's comments and picutres and from what I saw from my own experience the berries were juicy enough. I used the rest for garnish.
My only critique on this recipe is the parcel package itself. When you twist the phyllo to make the parcel "knot," the knot ends up tasting like a clump of tasteless dough.

- I cut up an apple into 1/4 inch cubes and added it to the berry mix along with a tablespoon of sauce.
- I followed the phyllo instructions up until just before making the actual "parcel."
- I made an envelope out of the phyllo: I put two heaping tablespoons of the berry-apple mixture in the middle of phyllo. I folded the left and right phyllo edges over it, and then folded the upper and bottom pieces onto it.
- I then brushed some leftover melt butter mixture on top, and dipped it into a plate of crushed pistachio.
It turned out beautifully, and tasted great!
I haven't decided what I am going to make next, but I have a feeling that the trend in the poll responses will have a big influence on my decision. Wink!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A Poll Request
I would like to know what you’re all-time favorite dessert flavor is! Is it chocolate, vanilla, caramel, or apple-cinnamon?
And for those of you holding your breaths until I make something new, just know that you won’t have to wait too long, as we’ll be having my sister and brother in-law over this Saturday, and I plan to make a delish dessert for them that I’ve never tried before. So stay tuned for the recipe!
And with that, I’ll leave you with a pic of the delicious first-course segment of two-course breakfast on the dock of a bed and breakfast (The Calico Cat) we visited this past weekend in Brockville.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Its Blueberry Season!

- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 cup *bran/flax mix
- 1 & 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 tsp baking powder
- 2/3 cup vegetable oil or grape seed oil
- 2/3 cups milk
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups of blueberries
*Bran/Flax mixture: What I did was grind whole flax (about 3 tblsp - I just eye-balled it) in a clean, dry, coffee grinder. I emptied it into a bowl. Then I added some All-Bran to the grinder (I just filled close to the top), and grinded it into a powder. It should take seconds to grind flax and bran. You can eye-ball the amount you have to 1 cup, or you can fill a measuring up with mixture to the 1-cup mark. Also, you can use just bran, or just flax, or you can substitute that 1 cup of fibre-omega goodness for flour (naughty, naughty!).
Monday, July 21, 2008
Finally, a Cake!

Thats what I was saying while I fought with my fondant on Saturday. I decided not to buy it pre-made, as I heard that it stinks of chemicals when you open it. Anyway, the cake I made for my parents' 30th anniversary (hooray for them!!) got lots of praises (hooray for me)! One of our guests even gave me props for making it without having air conditioning!
Anyway, here's the link for the fondant recipe I used: .
I didn't use shortening, I used butter. And I certainly didn't need half a cup of grease, I only used half a tablespoon! Also, I tried this recipe in half-batches, so I wouldn't stroke of frustration. I heard of fondant recipies not working out, so I wasn't about to make a whole batch for nothing. Finally, I used my dough hook to start out, and then I kneaded. So much less messy. For my last batch, I tried kneading from start to finish..ugh, what a freaking mess! It still worked though. I ended up with 4 balls of fondant in a ziplock in the fridge. I made them over about 3 days.
Here's a link for the cake recipe I used: .
Although what I had in my head was fancier version what I actually made - with fondant bows and numbers! - I am still so happy with these results, it was delish, and that my parents loved it!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Pesto for 2

- 25 almonds toasted in toaster-oven for 5-7 minutes (keep an eye on them, as they can burn in a blink of an eye!!). Let them cool for about 5 min.
- 1 cup fresh basil
- 1 clove garlic
- 1/3 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup parmesan cheese
In a mini-chopper, or food processor, blend basil and garlic first. This is just to make sure that the garlic is well incorporated in the end. Add almonds, blend. Slowly, gradually add oil while blending (and this is why a food processor, which we don't have would work better than a chopper, so that you don't have to concentrate on both pressing the button and drizzling the oil through the chopper hole. Plus the mini-chopper holes are so small, oil was pouring off the sides and kind of annoying me!). Once oil is incorporated, you should find yourself with a nice, oily paste. Transfer to a small bowl, and mix in cheese. Tada, Pesto!
To add to pasta, save some of pasta water aside before draining (up to a cup). Add the pesto to the pasta, it will be too sticky to work with at first. Add a drizzle of pasta water to it. Do this gradually, until pesto is covering pasta. You don't have to use all the pasta water you saved. Just enough to help you cover the pasta! We added shrimp too. Hubby was impressed too! Only suggestion he made was to add a bit of lemon zest for tang. He may have a point..
Anyway, stay tuned for my attempt at making a "wedding cake" its for my parents' 30th anniversary. Its going to be a daunting task, since I will be making fondant for the first time. Yikes!! From what I've read on the internet so far, it doesn't sound like the easiest thing to do, and it may not come out. I may go to Chapters and take a look at Martha Stewart's wedding cake book, maybe she has some good suggestions?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Last Night's Supper, This Morning's Breakfast

"Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner Toss," and it turned out to meet all of our expectations: it was quick, filling, delish, and..the leftovers were used for the next morning's breakfast.
(Prep time: 30 minutes. Cook time: 31 minutes)
- 4 sausages (any kind, we used 2 German, 2 hot Italian)
- 1 onion (we used a red onion from the market)
- 2 green onion
- 5 small-medium potatoes
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp black pepper
- 3 tbsp canola or olive oil
- 1 tbsp honey
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Removie casings from sausages and slice them to about 1/2 inch thick. Thinly slice onions - 1/4 inch thick. Thinly slice potatoes - 1/8th inch thick. Spread sausage, onions and potatoes on to shallow baking dish. Drizzle with oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix a bit to disperse oil, salt, pepper evenly. Drizzle honey on top, and pop into oven for 30 minutes, and broil for 1 minute to get top browned a bit.
Let cool for about 2 minutes, and dig in!Recipe feeds 4 people, or if its just 2 of you snuggling up tonight, then save half of recipe for breakfast tomorrow!!
This morning's breakfast:
- 1/2 recipe of last night's dinner
- 1 tbsp oil (olive or canola)
- 4 eggs
- 1/4 cup milk
- Salt and pepper to taste
Put oil in to pan, put stove on medium heat. Take leftovers out from fridge, throw it in pan. Stir it around for about 2 minutes, so everything gets warmed up. Meanwhile, beat 4 eggs with milk, then pour into pan with rest of melange. Cook until eggs are of desired consistency.

Enjoy with juice or fresh coffee!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
What are Mountains and Molehills in My World?
I am thinking this is going to be mostly a food blog. I want to display the cakes (mountains) and cookies (molehills) that I make! I love baking a tad bit more than cooking as it is much more therapeutic for me. Baking cakes and cookies just happens to be an outlet for me to sort out my thoughts and problems-and relax!- as I create something yummy. Who knows, perhaps I will also share with you what was on my mind at the time I was personal mountains and molehills..
While you wait for my first sweet blog, check out the brownies I made back in May 2008. At the time, I was trying to find a good recipe for our ripening bananas, when lo and behold.. I found this challenge! It was so exciting to see a picture of mine on the Food Channel's web site!! My version and picture of the recipe is the last one on the page, with the bananas!! Here's the site:
If you like chocolate and bananas, try them out!
PS: I am actually not a huge huge fan of bananas myself..